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Promoting better sleep for your baby

Favoriser un meilleur sommeil pour votre bébé

Don't all parents dream of their child sleeping peacefully at night? One of the invaluable tips given to us by our amazing sleep consultant was to choose a sleeper to promote better sleep. But how does this help exactly? 

The sleeper increases the baby's sense of security as it molds to the body giving the baby a snug and secure fit, just like swaddling.

The sleeper can be used as an alternative to a blanket. It's safer as it prevents the risk of suffocation, whereas the blanket could end up in the child's face or around the neck. It can also be used as a transition from the Snuggle me or equivalent pillows, which are not recommended for night-time use.

Convenience: just untie the knot and you're ready for diaper your daily or night-time diaper changes!

Keeps your baby warm: the sleeve edges of our sleepers fold inwards to form little mittens, keeping your baby's hands warm.

Start promoting a better night's sleep for your child now by shopping for our beautiful sleepers!

For more sleep tips, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our sleep consultant Audrey Valade from Sommeil Unique, who will be happy to answer all your questions.

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